This code snippet repeatedly divides a value by 2 and tests if the value remains larger than 0. For most developers it's no surprise that the value becomes so small that the computer eventually discards it - this is underflow rounding error.
In 64-bit double-precision, the smallest non-zero number is 2-1074.
However, this loop stops after just 54 iterations.
The last non-zero value is epsilon = 2-53.
It turns out that (1 + 2-53) - 1 = 0
What may be surprising to some is that this underflow occurs when epsilon
is many orders of magnitude larger than 2-1074
// constants var Zero = 0.0, Half = 0.5, One = 1.0; var count = 0; var epsilon = One; while (epsilon > Zero) { count++; // (epsilon + 1) - 1 => epsilon epsilon += One; epsilon -= One; epsilon *= Half; // divide by 2 } console.log('count ' + count);
Floating-point representation can be written as:
sign mantissa x 2exponent
The three components are:
bit applies to the overall value, not the exponent.
is stored using 11 bits.
The lower half of the range represents negative exponents,
and the upper range represents positive exponents.
(or significand) is stored using 52 bits
and holds the fractional part of the number.
Normalization allows an implicit leading bit of 1, so effectively there
are 53 binary bits of precision.
One usually writes the bits from left-to-right as:
b0 x 20 + b1 x 2-1 ... + b52 x 2-52
For example, the mantissa for 0.5 = 2-1 looks like
Some caveats on the representation here.
The process is actually more complicated at the hardware level.
Guard digits can come into play and some values are reserved for
special constants like +NaN, -0
and so on.
If you'd like to dig deeper, look for the IEEE 754 standard or
try Wikipedia.
That is, why does 1 + 2-53 = 1 on a computer? To add 1 = 1 x 20 and epsilon = 1 x 2-53, there are two steps:
In this example, the mantissa of 1 x 2-53 is shifted right until the exponent has a value of 0, in other words, the mantissa becomes 2-53 instead, as shown in the animation below. Then adding the mantissas, the lowest significant digit is dropped.
value mantissa x exponent |
mantissa (as base 2) |
exponent (as base 10) |
1 = 1 x 20 | 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
0 |
2-53 = 1 x 2-53 |
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
-53 |
1 + 2-53 = 1 |
0 |
If running in 32-bit mode, the underflow would occur at 23 iterations.
Also there is nothing language-specific about this behavior; one can make similar examples in most any language of your choice. You can even try this process on a calculator or phone to find the size of the mantissa. I've found some calculators to have larger precision than the IEEE standard.
Floating-point division is much more expensive than floating-point multiplication.
Therefore the division by 2 was written as epsilon *= 0.5
of epsilon /= 2.0
It's a good habit to use multiplication instead of division when possible.
In this trivial example performance is not a concern, but for complicated algorithms
one will often look for small optimizations such as this.
One cannot always assume the compiler will do the best thing.
This example demonstrates a few key points about all numerical codes:
Hopefully this example shows you why numerical coding is interesting and fun!